CCP’s Earnings Have Compounded at 18% Per Annum
Marcellus’ CCP Portfolio has delivered 17.8% EPS CAGR over FY19-24 (computed using reported earnings of annual rolling portfolio cohorts), which is the primary driver of the portfolio’s 17.4% (pre-fees) portfolio performance over FY19-24 (15.35% net of fees and expenses). The changes made to the portfolio over time have enhanced its earnings profile. Additionally, in early […]
‘Capitalism Without Capital’ Fuels CCP
Capitalism without capital, i.e., the growing prominence of companies who are plays on intellectual rather than physical assets, is now increasingly prominent in India. Marcellus’ Consistent Compounder Portfolio (CCP) is actively participating in this theme. Over the past 5 years, profits of companies in our current CCP portfolio have grown at a significantly faster pace […]
CCP’s Amplified Exposure to ‘Enterprising Compounders’
Businesses with strong competitive advantages (and hence high ROCEs), can be categorized into different types based on their capital allocation decisions. Amongst these, the most enterprising ones (the ‘enterprising compounders’) are those which reinvest capital not only to strengthen and evolve their core business, but also to scale up new businesses consistently. Shareholder returns from such businesses […]
Rich rewards from Investing in Quality during the Toughest Phase
Long periods of outperformance by quality firms are often characterized by intermittent periods of severe underperformance – something that has been unavoidable by even the likes of Warren Buffet. Such underperformance was especially prominent during three instances (first half of 1970s, Mar’99-Aug’00 & Nov’04-Apr’06) wherein Berkshire Hathaway’s underperformance was in high double digits even as […]
A Retailer’s Path to Consistent Compounding
Over an extended period of time, it is hard to make money in Retailing. In this newsletter, we discuss a subset of retailing – apparel retailing – and how the principles that underpin the business models of consistent compounders in general are of relevance for success in apparel retailing as well. Two key variables – […]
High ROCE of CCP companies attracts new competitors regularly
In any vibrant, free market economy, firms that enjoy high RoCE will attract continuous waves of competition. Amidst high competitive intensity, while most firms will fall by the wayside, the Consistent Compounders are able to maintain their dominance due to their strong moats – built through prudent capital allocation and strategic decision making. Marcellus’ research […]
Succession Planning is Critical for Disruptive Capital Allocation
Large businesses often face the risk of stagnating growth due to saturation of their core market or disruption from new innovators. One way to mitigate this risk is to invest in disruption, innovation & expansion of the business into adjacencies. However, successful execution of such capital allocation decisions is not dependent only on strategic decision-making […]
Wealth Compounding = High ROCEs + Reinvestment of Profits
Starting this month, we are rolling out a joint newsletter across our four domestic PMS Products. In this edition, we revisit the basic principles underlying Marcellus’ investment philosophy i.e. a firm’s ability to generate Free Cashflows (FCF) and grow them at a healthy rate sustainably over the long term. We take a look at: a) […]
Optical Illusions in Equity Investing
Psychological biases tend to affect an investor’s decision making in subtle ways which are usually detrimental to long term investment returns. Several of these biases are better described as optical Illusions. Using the construct of the human brain as described by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman in his book ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’, we highlight a […]
CCP valuation multiples correct 30% whilst fundamentals continue to compound at over 20% per annum
CCP portfolio companies’ valuations have become 30-35% cheaper over the last 12 months. Given that Free Cashflows of these companies have compounded at 5-7% higher run-rate compared to their earnings consistently over the last 5-10 years, their current valuations (on a Price to Free Cashflow basis) are significantly cheaper than where they were 3 or […]
When ‘Loss Aversion’ Meets ‘Time Horizons’ in Equity Investing
Investors’ decision making is often underpinned by a key psychological trait – loss aversion. As explained by Noble laureate Daniel Kahneman, the result of ‘loss aversion’ is that our pain from losses is more than twice the joy from equal amounts of gain. Juxtaposing this idea to the CCP investing approach discussed in our book […]
Divis: Greatness in Indian Pharma
It is rare to find an Indian pharma company which makes systematic investments towards building the customer’s trust, improving compliance and ramping up manufacturing efficiency. Divis Labs is one such company that has delivered on these fronts for almost three decades. It has been the preferred manufacturing partner for major Western pharma companies on the […]
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